Þjónustusími 537 5101
30 daga Skilafrestur
Frí heimsending af smávörum ef verslað er yfir 15.000 kr
T - Z
"The designer Michael H. Nielsen designed Graceful based on the idea of ‘less is more’. And this can clearly be seen and felt. The level of detail is kept to a minimum to allow the table to speak its own distinct language. The worktop has an unbroken surface to emphasise the clean appearance, but a comprehensive technical knowledge is concealed beneath the surface, which is necessary when such a stringent dining table is to function successfully in practice. Graceful is made from solid, FSC-certified oak and produced in a green factory where everything is either recycled or reused."
Afhendingartími er að jafnaði 2-4 virkir dagar.
Þú færð tölvupóst um leið og við höfum tekið saman pöntunina þína.
Þú hefur 30 daga til að skipta vörum eða fá endurgreitt að fullu.
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